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Encouraging the Heart,
Woman to Woman Ministries

Conference Schedule
Friday, July 25 . 2025 | 7 AM- 9 PM
07:00am Early Morning Workout
08:00am Doors Open - Registration
09:30am Prayer with the ETH Prayer Team - Minister Rosalind Bradley
09:45am Praise & Worship _ ETH Praise Team
10:15am Speaker: Evangelist Kay Hendricks
Empower Your Voice - Finding Strength In Your Story
10:45am Breakout: ETH Facilitators - Empower Your Voice - Finding Strength In Your Story
Rosalind Bradley
Denise Singleton
Katarina Josleyn
Betheena Baker
Kay Hendricks
Jhaismen Collins
Vanessa Washington-Jenkins
11:45am Empower Your Voice Panelists: Finding Strength In Your Story
Moderator: Lady Gloria Curry
Connie Bivens
Kay Hendricks
Andrea Jackson
12:30pm Lunch & Special Event: Author’s Forum
2:30pm Praise & Worship
2:45pm Speakers: Pastor Betheena Baker/Elder Vanessa Washington- Jenkins
Empower Your Well-Being: Unlock the Secrets of Self- Care
3:15pm Breakout: ETH Facilitators - Empower Your Well-Being: Unlock the Secrets of Self- Care
Rosalind Bradley
Denise Singleton
Katarina Josleyn
Betheena Baker
Kay Hendricks
Jhaismen Collins
Vanessa Washington-Jenkins
4:15pm Empower Your Well-Being Panelists: Unlocking The Secrets of Self-Care
​Moderator: Lady Gloria Curry
Pastor Connie Bivens
Pastor Betheena Baker
Elder Vanessa Washington-Jenkins
07:00pm Prayer with the ETH Prayer Team - Minister Rosalind Bradley
07:15pm Welcome & Introductions
07:30pm Praise & Worship _ ETH Praise Team
07:45pm Introduction of Speaker
07:50pm Liturgical Dance - Lady Felicia Bivens
08:00pm Speaker: Dr. Joyce Gilmer
Saturday, July 26 . 2025 | 7 AM- 9 PM
07:00am Early Morning Workout
08:00am Doors Open Registration
09:30am Prayer with the ETH Prayer Team - Minister Rosalind Bradley
09:45am Praise & Worship _ ETH Praise Team
10:15am Speaker: Empower Your Presence - Dressing To Own The Room
10:45am Breakout: ETH Facilitators - Empower Your Presence - Dressing To Own The Room
Rosalind Bradley
Denise Singleton
Katarina Josleyn
Betheena Baker
Kay Hendricks
Jhaismen Collins
Vanessa Washington-Jenkins
11:45am Empower Your Presence Panelists: Empower Your Presence - Dressing To Own The Room
Moderator: Lady Gloria Curry
Pastor Connie Bivens
Ms. Europe Africa Jennifer Rinaman
12:30pm Lunch & Special Event: Fashion Show
01:45pm Visit our Vendors
02:30pm Praise & Worship
02:35pm Breakout: ETH Facilitators - Empowered By Faith - Trusting God's plan for your life
03:35pm Empowered By Faith Panelists: Trusting God's plan for your life
Moderator: Lady Gloria Curry
Betheena Baker
Rosalind Bradley
Jhaismen Collins
Denise Singleton
06:00pm Prayer with ETH Prayer Team - Minister Rosalind Bradley
06:15pm Welcome & Greetings
06:30pm Praise & Worship - ETH Praise Team
06:45pm Introduction of Speaker
06:50pm Special Music
07:00pm Speaker: Pastor Connie Bivens​
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